Monday, March 21, 2011

Listening portfolio entry no 1 (vedio)

Source: Tsunamis  

a)understand the background of topic, think about the context
b)try to get the main idea
c)repeat as many times as I need
d)taking notes

a).Before I start to watch the video ,I did some research about Tsunamis. I found it is useful to give me some ideas about Tsunami so that I can easily to catch up with the topic.
b). I could get the  main idea, which was about how  a tsunami is born and how it destroys. In addition, this video talked about a tsunami happened in Indonesia in 2006.Finally,it gave advice for how to survive in a tsunami.
c) It is very helpful when I was listening to this topic. After repeating several times, I could get more and more information from the video.
d) Taking note is great way for me to understand the topic. I wrote down some key words or some sentence which I heard from the video. Because that guy talked in medium speed, I was able to hear most of information. According to this way, I got more detail information and I understood this topic more clearly. For example, when he talked about how a tsunami happen, in the deep water, tsunamis waves travelled fast about 500 miles a hour but only reached the height of  a few of feet. However, the shallow waves has lower speed because of the ocean floor ,and it would raise the height until it land fell and it can reached 10 storied building. Therefore, it is easily for me to understand why tsunami was so powerful.

a) I think understanding the topic is quite useful. However, I cannot know all the topic, so sometime it is not available in this way.
b) It is very important to get the main idea of the topic. The problem is that you should have knowledge related to the topic.
c)Repeating many times is  a good strategy, but I still could not get all the information. For instance, I can heard some new vocabulary but  I do not know the meaning. Maybe I need to expand my vocabulary.
d)During watching  this video, taking notes was much more useful for me to gain the detail of information. However, he talked fast but my writing was slow, so it is better to do more practice .In addition, I should use some abbreviation to take notes.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Emmet. Lots of detail in your first entry.

    Try with your evaluation and reflection to be as specific as possible. eg. How many times did you actually listen to be able to get the main idea? How will you expand your vocab?

    Remember that you are not actually commenting on the topic (tsunamis) although you might talk about new vocab that you learned or words that you didn't understand.

    Your reflective comments about note taking are good. How do you intend to practice?
